Value | Argument Type | Information |
0x12349876 | 32-bit integer | Magic Number |
dynamic | 32-bit integer | Count of partitions |
COM_TAR2 | String, 8 bytes | GANG name |
dynamic | String, 8 bytes | Project Name |
dynamic | 32-bit integer | Reserved |
PIT is V1 if the block sizes are equal, otherwise it’s start block for V2.
Entries begin after first 28 bytes, one entry is 132 bytes long.
Argument Type | Information |
32-bit integer | Binary Type (more info below) |
32-bit integer | Device Type (more info below) |
32-bit integer | Partition Identifier |
32-bit integer | Attributes (v1) or Partition Type (v2) |
32-bit integer | Update Attibutes (v1) or File System (v2) |
32-bit integer | Block Size (v1) or Start Block (v2) |
32-bit integer | Block Count (v1) or Block Number (v2) |
32-bit integer | File Offset (also seems to be obsolete) |
32-bit integer | File Size (is obsolete, nowadays is zero) |
String, 32 bytes | Partition Name |
String, 32 bytes | File Name |
String, 32 bytes | Delta (FOTA) Name (only for ‘remained’) |
Binary Types
- AP/Phone = 0
- CP/Modem = 1
Version 1
Device Types
- NAND = 1
- Read-Only = 0
- Read-Write = 1
- STL = 2
Update Attributes
- None = 0
- FOTA = 1
- Secure = 2
- FOTA Secure = 3
Version 2
Device Types
- NAND = 1
- EMMC = 2
- SPI = 3
- IDE = 4
- NAND X16 = 5
Partition Type
- NONE = 0
- BCT = 1
- NVDATA = 4
- DATA = 5
- MBR = 6
- EBR = 7
- GP1 = 8
- GP1 = 9
- NONE = 0
- BASIC = 1
- EXT2 = 3
- YAFFS2 = 4
- EXT4 = 5
ImHex pattern
Use this to analyze PIT files in ImHex (we still recommend using Thor for that)
#pragma description Samsung PIT file
enum BinaryType : u32 {
AP_Phone = 0,
CP_Modem = 1
enum DeviceTypeV1 : u32 {
NAND = 1,
enum DeviceTypeV2 : u32 {
NAND = 1,
EMMC = 2,
SPI = 3,
IDE = 4,
NAND_X16 = 5
enum Attributes : u32 {
ReadOnly = 0,
ReadWrite = 1,
STL = 2
enum UpdateAttributes : u32 {
None = 0,
FOTA = 1,
Secure = 2,
FOTA_Secure = 3
enum PartitionType : u32 {
None = 0,
BCT = 1,
Bootloader = 2,
PartitionTable = 3,
NVData = 4,
Data = 5,
MBR = 6,
EBR = 7,
GP1 = 8,
GP1 = 9,
enum Filesystem : u32 {
None = 0,
Basic = 1,
Enhanced = 2,
EXT2 = 3,
YAFFS2 = 4,
EXT4 = 5
struct partition_v1_t {
DeviceTypeV1 device_type [[name("Device Type")]];
u32 id [[name("Partition Identifier")]];
Attributes attributes [[name("Attributes")]];
UpdateAttributes update [[name("Update Attributes")]];
u32 block_size [[name("Block Size")]];
u32 block_count [[name("Block Count")]];
u32 file_offset [[name("File Offset (obsolete)")]];
u32 file_size [[name("File Size (obsolete)")]];
char name[32] [[name("Partition Name")]];
char filename[32] [[name("File Name")]];
char delta[32] [[name("Delta (FOTA) name")]];
struct partition_v2_t {
DeviceTypeV2 device_type [[name("Device Type")]];
u32 id [[name("Partition Identifier")]];
PartitionType part_type [[name("Partition Type")]];
Filesystem filesystem [[name("File System")]];
u32 start_block [[name("Start Block")]];
u32 block_number [[name("Block Number")]];
u32 file_offset [[name("File Offset (obsolete)")]];
u32 file_size [[name("File Size (obsolete)")]];
char name[32] [[name("Partition Name")]];
char filename[32] [[name("File Name")]];
char delta[32] [[name("Delta (FOTA) name")]];
struct partition_t {
BinaryType binary_type [[name("Binary Type")]];
if (isVersion2) partition_v2_t partition [[name("Partition V2")]];
else partition_v1_t partition [[name("Partition V1")]];
struct signer_info_t {
char SignSystemRevision[16] [[name("Signing System Revision")]];
char QuickBuildId[16] [[name("Quick Build ID")]];
char VersionName[32] [[name("Firmware Version")]];
char BuildTime[16] [[name("Build Timestamp")]];
char ModelName[32] [[name("Model Name")]];
char SystemRPValue[16] [[name("System Secureboot Magic")]];
char KernelRPValue[16] [[name("Kernel Secureboot Magic")]];
char BuildVariant[4] [[name("Engineering Build"), comment("usr = user, eng = engineering")]];
char KillSwitchMagic[4] [[name("Killswitch Type"), comment("frp = factory reset protection, ral = reactivation lock")]];
char FactoryBuild[4] [[name("Factory Build"), comment("fac = factory, mrk = user")]];
char BinaryName[16] [[name("Binary Name")]];
char Reserved[84] [[name("Reserved")]];
struct signature_t {
signer_info_t info [[name("Signer Info")]];
char signature[256] [[name("ECDSA Signature")]];
struct pit_t {
u32 magic [[name("Magic Number")]];
u32 count [[name("Number of partitions")]];
char gang_name[8] [[name("GANG name")]];
char project_name[8] [[name("Project Name")]];
u32 reserved [[name("Reserved")]];
partition_t partitions[count] [[name("Partitions")]];
if (builtin::std::mem::size() > builtin::std::mem::base_address())
signature_t signature [[name("Signature")]];
bool isVersion2 in;
pit_t file @ 0x00 [[name("PIT file")]];